Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 261 - Recesky

Absolutely loving this thing.  You have to pre-visualise what the images are going to turn out like and then you can compose your image to suite.  It's so simple, insert bright day, somewhat interesting subject, point, hit the shutter button... done.

Recesky Twin Lens Reflex camera
Kodak 35mm colour film

1 comment:

  1. I like this shot regardless of the camera used to capture it. I have a feeling of being there and the blur adds a sense of movement almost like spinning around under the wisteria. The centre of focus on the cross piece of the white trellis is good. It anchors my eye onto the in focus part of the shot. This is a good example of needing to use the eye unsupported by the electronic options available on an SLR to make the shot - and that brings out the artist in the photographer. An option would be to focus more on the flowers which might have enhanced the focal point and the colour of the wisteria. Did I mention I have ordered a Recesky?
