Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 262 - Work Haze

It had to come, back to work after three weeks holiday.  Fires have been running down the range and sending a haze across the city.  I have been wanting to capture some streets and general imagery because its always interesting looking back at your parents/grand parents photos and seeing what places looked like back then.  I made sure I had some information in the shot (70 Neil Street) so you know where it was taken... just in case the digital information in the picture is lost.

Leica R4s camera
Kodak BW400CN
ISO 400

1 comment:

  1. My late Uncle Ted was a photographer of note. When he died I was privileged to spend time browsing through just some of his photo collection with his two sons. We agreed that the historical significance of the photos was made more valuable through the street scenes he photographed. So we must tag this as a valuable photo. The inclusion of the street address is clever - Uncle Ted would have approved.
