Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 218 - Uncovering Rope

Continued with the rope prop today.  It's an incredible challenge photographing the human body.  With everything striped away, you have very few tricks to play when creating the image.  It is purely down to composition and light.  This was lit with a single light so the challenge was to stop the closest parts of the subject to the light from blowing out and leaving other parts of the subject in complete darkness.  It's a lot harder than it looks.

Canon 7d camera
ISO 100
EF17-40 @ 33mm

Nissin DI-622 MKII in softbox directly above subject, 1m distance @ 1/2 power

Image Manipulation:
Small crop
Convert to BW
Highlight & Shadow adjustment

1 comment:

  1. First look at the two rope photos caused a big wow factor response from me. I love them. Brilliant use of monochrome and a sensitivity in how the shots were composed to combine a respect for the human form and the physical strength of holding the rope. Matt's attention to detail in technical aspects of the shot pays off handsomely with finished results that portray highlights without blowing away any of the detail. Perhaps, and just perhaps a thicker rope that allowed for more textured detail in it may have improved the shot but overall the rope shots are enviable.
